• “Could a third party create an earthquake in November?-part 1”; Gwinnett Forum; 4-12-24

    “It’s as if in politics, as in economics, we have a privileged 1 percent… Without the Electoral College…every vote would be worth exactly the same. That would be a step toward democracy.”― Cathy O’Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy As a former Republican Party elected official in Georgia and county…

  • “We must do better separating political fact from fiction”; Charleston Gazette; 3-26-24

    “No way I could support or vote for Donald Trump. I think it would be very detrimental to our country, and to our world standing…it was horrendous…when former President Trump couldn’t even say ‘my heart goes out to the Navalny family’ …It seems like he kind of admires the people that operate and govern that…

  • “Artificial intelligence will be a key part of 2024 campaign”; Gwinnett Forum; 3-26-24

    “The Biden administration, and their master Barack Obama, continue to overhaul the country’s demographics with their intentional, country crushing border policies. Tucker Carlson breaks it down further in a video showing how said replacement works and how it signals the end of America if we are not proactive. Plus, RFK Jr. slams big government and…

  • “The left must support Biden… or suffer the consequences”; Fayette County News; 3-20-24

    The left must support Biden… or suffer the consequences “It is also important to create a voting bloc, something that is a bullhorn to say -enough is enough.”- Rep. Talib (Michigan-D) regarding Israel Talib, a radical member of the far-left “Squad”, has called for the eradication of Israeli Jews (“From the River to the Sea”).…

  • “Democrats need 2 things to win”; WV Gazette; May, 5 2022

    Democrats need 2 things to win The Democrats need two things to win in November and 2024: luck and skill. So far, they have neither.Senator Warren is correct. Democrats do need to get something passed that they could point to in 2022 and 2024. But to do that, they need ALL Senate Democrats to support…

  • “Trump election shenanigans”; Gwinnett Forum; 3-8-24

    Be prepared for Trump election shenanigans Many Americans write off the Democrats and Republicans as being the same. Having been active in both parties, I understand this tendency by swing voters. However, in reality, both parties as currently constituted are clearly not alike. The Republican Party is no longer the “bring down that wall” party…

  • “Epps column is partisan”; The Citizen; 3-6-24

    Epps column is partisan I agree with Reverend Epps (“Blood on their Hands”) that we need national leadership and it’s sorely lacking. But it is both parties, not just Joe Biden as Epps states. And, now it is the GOP stopping reform, not the Democrats. Yes, Democrats have not been strong enough in enforcement. However,…

  • “Conservatives further politicizing our legal system”; Fayette County News;3-6-24

    Conservatives further politicizing our legal system Our Supreme Court has gone too far to the right. It’s losing the confidence of most Americans, as shown in repeated surveys of voters (https://news.gallup.com/poll/394103/confidence-supreme-court-sinks-historic-low.aspx ).  Donald Trump’s carefully calculated reliance on his SCOTUS appointments to solidify his support from Evangelicals has made an already bad situation even worse. But…

  • “GOP leaders must usurp Trump, and solve immigration”; Gwinnett Forum; 2-27-24

    GOP leaders must usurp Trump, and solve immigration  Immigration has historically helped our aging nation in numerous ways. The key question is “Who do we admit?” For example, most Americans support bringing in computer geniuses, doctors and nurses, as well as others who are filling jobs Americans do not want, such as seasonal agricultural workers.  We…

  • “Was Trump a good President?”; Newnan Times-Herald;2-23-24

    Was Trump a good President? “If it were not for his personality, he would probably be the best President we have ever had.”- Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot (11-28-23) Bernie Marcus has given over $60 million to GOP candidates, including Donald Trump (https://www.businessinsider.com/home-depot-cofounder-nobody-works-donated-64-million-gop-trump-2022-12 ). At one time Marcus headed the Georgia GOP political elite and…

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