• “Choice may be between two over-the -hill old men”- Gwinnett Forum;6-28-24   A recent poll illustrated that 73 percent of evangelicals support former President Trump. The question is “why”? The answer is complex.  First, there is a major gap as to what some people believe versus the truth, enabling Donald Trump to prey on these vulnerable…

  • “Crime is actually down- but the GOP is brainwashing its base”; Fayette County News; 6-25-24

    Crime is actually down- but the GOP is brainwashing its base “Cities are also facing staggering surges in violent crime”- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (1-25-24) The GOP has truly become the ReTrumpican Party. Trump loves to rile up the party base. He has no problem creating “alternate facts” (i.e., untruths). For example, his recent false statements on crime going…

  • ” What we are seeing is the abuse of the justice system” Gwinnett Forum;June 21, 2024″

    PEACHTREE CITY, Ga.  |  Fifteen years ago, I was the head of the Jasper County Republican Party. Never did I attack the local Democratic Party. Although we differed on which roads to pave, fiscal matters and so on, I tried to work with the Democrats on the County Commission to get things done. Never did I…

  • “Trump and Biden, as different as night and day”; Fayette County News; 6-19-24

    Trump and Biden, as different as night and day “There is no “daylight” between Joe Biden and Donald Trump (regarding Israel) … Any liberal or progressive… who claims otherwise is a liar, too.”- Andrew Mitrovica, Al Jazeera columnist, 1-9-24 Mitrovica uses Israel/Gaza to express a frequently stated left-wing philosophical position- “Trump and Biden are both tools…

  • “Trump- 2024 election communications strategy”; Fayette County News; 6-5-23

    Trump- 2024 election communications strategy Our politics has become more divisive as Americans have split into warring tribes over the last few decades…especially since Trump. Being born in NYC, I understand that he views himself like a carnival barker- a PT Barnum playing all of us country rubes. However, I have been a Southerner for…

  • “America  needs controlled, legal immigration” ; Gwinnett Forum; 5-27-24

    America  needs controlled, legal immigration “I wrote this bill (Laken Riley Act) to give Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and state governments more tools in the fight against illegal alien crime. Laken’s murder at the hands of an illegal alien on the campus of the University of Georgia was another wakeup call that the Biden administration’s open border policies are making…

  • “Ferguson’s gone…are we ready for constructive change?”; Fayette County News; 5-29-24

    Ferguson’s gone…are we ready for constructive change? Rep. Drew Ferguson will not run for reelection. District 3 voters have a chance for a new, positive direction. And, given the close margins in the US House of Representatives (217 GOP and 213 Democrat), a return to a functional House. As we had under Pelosi and the…

  • “Trump’s immigration issue will backfire on him”; Gwinnett Forum; 4-30-24

    “I wrote this bill (Laken Riley Act) to give Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and state governments more tools in the fight against illegal alien crime. Laken’s murder at the hands of an illegal alien on the campus of the University of Georgia was another wakeup call that the Biden administration’s open border policies are making Americans unsafe in their…

  • “Crisis of confidence”; Fayette County News;4-24-24 

    Crisis of confidence  “The indictment must be dismissed because President Trump was impeached, tried by the Senate and acquitted on articles of impeachment that arise from the same alleged facts and course of conduct as the criminal indictment in this case.”- Trump’s personal attorney responding to his Fulton County indictment Trump is attempting to avoid…

  • Tribalism in American politics needs to end; Charleston Gazette; Apr 19, 2024

    “Every member of Congress has a solemn duty to vote for what they believe is best for the country and the American people, not their party,” Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said in a recent statement. “No way I could support or vote for Donald Trump. I think it would be very detrimental to our country,…

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