• State’s benefits decisions hurting the health of the working poor: Jack Bernard and John Palmer March 18, 2015

    State’s benefits decisions hurting the health of the working poor: Jack Bernard and John Palmer; Georgia Health News  March 18, 2015 Before the ACA (Obamacare) was enacted, one in five Georgians were without insurance, one of the nation’s highest rates. But Gov. Nathan Deal and state legislative leaders have opposed the law, refusing to put…

  • Medicaid denial: hypocrisy or irrationality? AJC; Thursday, March 5, 2015

    Medicaid denial: hypocrisy or irrationality? AJC; Thursday, March 5, 2015 When looking at individual states, there is an inverse relationship between religiosity and the expansion of healthcare to the less fortunate among us. In other words, the more religious a state, the less likely it is to expand Medicaid. Here are the details. Gallup has…

  • Choice clear in 10th District, Athens Banner Herald, Oct. 29, 2014

    Note; slightly different from the Gwinnett piece. Opinion, Athens Banner Herald Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014 Bernard: Choice clear in 10th District Do you want to know what is wrong with politics in Georgia and the rest of the United States? Look in the mirror. We are the ones who elected this government, voting for party…

  • Unkindest Cuts; Columbus Ledger-Enquirer; 10-25-14

    Unkindest cuts BY JACK BERNARD AND JOHN PALMER October 25, 2014 Traditionally, there has been an unwritten pact between state and local public employees (teachers included) and government. Salaries did not compare to the private sector, but pooling the resources of teachers and state employees allowed the state to offer excellent benefits. Since the Great…

  • Hindering voters can spur turnout- AJC; Oct. 5, 2014

    Note- Georgia elections are especially crucial this year, both on the national and state levels. Governor Deal has cut public employee health care benefits dramatically and refused to expand Medicaid for political reasons. Hindering voters can spur turnout AJC; Oct. 5, 2014 It is with dismay that I read Ms. (Rinda) Wilson’s comments (“Elections board…

  • Too Accommodating, Governing, Sept. 2014

    Note: Governing Magazine, without my knowledge, cut the last sentence of this letter, which read: Converting the Medicaid program into Medicare would be a good step towards doing what we should have done in 2009: expand Medicare to cover all. Too Accommodating By Jack Bernard As with many controversial domestic issues facing our nation, the…

  • Legislators’ tax initiatives ‘myopic’

    Note- Instead of expanding Medicaid, which would create jobs,Gov. Deal and leaders in our legislature are playing games about cutting taxes. Bernard: Legislators’ tax initiatives ‘myopic’ updated Tuesday, July 23, 2013 – 7:01pm Tax reform talk is ‘publicity stunt’ As a fiscal conservative and former head of the Tax Committee for the Association County Commissioners…

  • In support of Medicare for all, Florida Times Union (Jacksonville), 6-30-14

    Guest column: In support of Medicare for all Mon, Jun 30, 2014 @ 1:34 pm   My party, the GOP, is running for election this year on the slogan “repeal and replace Obamacare.” I agree, but the question is “what will be the replacement?” My answer is Medicare for all. From a moral standpoint, due…

  • Georgia’s governor is letting down his state’s citizens;April 16, 2014; Insurance News Net

    April 16, 2014 Georgia’s governor is letting down his state’s citizens First, the governor made the unilateral decision not to expand Medicaid for the poorest Georgians, preventing hundreds of thousands of our citizens from receiving adequate health care. According to a recent Georgia State University report that came up with this figure, these jobs would…

  • Medicaid expansion would add jobs for Georgia; 6-2-14;AJC

    Medicaid expansion would add jobs for Georgia; 6-2-14;AJC I am a Republican and a former elected official, but I hate to see ads coming out that are just plain wrong. In the GOP Senate race, ads came out that said Rep. Gingrey was not a conservative. Regardless of how you feel about Gingrey, these ads…

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