“Choice may be between two over-the -hill old men”- Gwinnett Forum;6-28-24

Choice may be between two over-the -hill old men”- Gwinnett Forum;6-28-24

  A recent poll illustrated that 73 percent of evangelicals support former President Trump. The question is “why”? The answer is complex. 

First, there is a major gap as to what some people believe versus the truth, enabling Donald Trump to prey on these vulnerable evangelicals.

For example, take the latest controversy about Louisiana requiring the Ten Commandments be posted in every classroom. Trump’s evangelical base is clearly in favor of this move.

Most Americans have little idea as to how the Constitution actually reads. Politico is correct stating: “Christian nationalists in America believe that the country was founded as a Christian nation and that Christian values should be prioritized throughout government and public life.” These Americans feel that forcing Judeo-Christian commandments onto our children is consistent with our democracy, even though it is directly in opposition to the Constitution.

Further, these Evangelicals view Trump as the “vessel.” The best explanation can be found in the 2019 book The Immoral Majority by Ben Howe, a conservative religious leader. Howe details the way in which Evangelicals explain away Trump’s obvious immorality by declaring that he is accomplishing God’s will on earth. In this view of the world, Trump can be completely despicable on a personal level. But so long as he is helping God to achieve certain goals, he must be supported.

Under this twisted logic, Trump can do no wrong. For instance, take the Ten Commandments controversy. 

Trump supports putting the Ten Commandments in schools. At the same time, Trump has himself violated many of the Commandments. 

A few examples:

  • “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Trump has been married three times and had affairs each time. He was recently convicted of 34 felonies related to his cover-up of a tryst with a porn star.
  • “Thou shalt not steal.” In over 2000 years, theft has changed with white collar misdeeds becoming more complicated. Trump has been ordered to pay $355 million for duping insurers, banks and others as to his wealth. He was ordered to pay an additional $2 million after losing a New York case regarding Trump Foundation misuse of funds (using them for political reasons rather than charity). He also is alleged to have stolen a massive number of classified documents from Washington and illegally brought them to Mar-A Lago.
  • “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Trump is a compulsive liar. During his term in office, he made over 30,000 false statements. 
  • “Thou shalt not covet.” Trump is obviously guilty of wanting more and more for himself at the expense of others. His constant pursuit of women is one indication. Another example is the 1990s Coking case. Trump used eminent domain to try to evict a woman,  shutter her boarding house,  and take her property to make way for his Atlantic City casino.

In November, voters have a choice between: a., an old, over-the-hill immoral con man, and b., an old over-the-hill man that has morals. The choice is ours.

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