“America  needs controlled, legal immigration” ; Gwinnett Forum; 5-27-24

America  needs controlled, legal immigration

I wrote this bill (Laken Riley Act) to give Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and state governments more tools in the fight against illegal alien crime. Laken’s murder at the hands of an illegal alien on the campus of the University of Georgia was another wakeup call that the Biden administration’s open border policies are making Americans unsafe in their own country.”

 Rep. Mike Collins of the 10th Congressional District of Georgia.

  Immigrants commit less crime per capita than U.S. citizens. Rep. Mike Collins is correct that the Riley murder was horrible. But he is incorrect in blaming President Biden. Let’s recognize the record: Immigration policy has been a mess due to inaction by both national parties. 

Recently, a bipartisan, strong, conservative Senate immigration bill was proposed. Then ex-President Trump called upon House Speaker Mike Johnson to kill the bill because Trump wanted immigration as a campaign issue. So, the bill died, blocking any realistic Congressional action any time soon.

We have seen this play out before. Former President George W. Bush  had a deeper understanding of the immigration issue than other Republicans. But the right wing of the GOP scuttled his comprehensive immigration reform proposal. By repeatedly opposing true bipartisan reform for decades, the right wing of the GOP has accomplished three things-

First, they have alienated legal immigrants and their families.   These are first-generation Americans like me, descended from immigrants…who built this nation.

Second, Hispanic voters are being driven to the Democrats for the 2024 election. Trump’s insistence on building a wall and pursuing aggressive deportations alienates them. Expect 2024 GOP losses in key swing states, such as New Mexico and Arizona …and possibly even Texas someday. GOP policy wonks must understand reality and figure out how to woo back Hispanic voters. 

Third, with no progress on immigration reform, illegal immigration gets worse.  Trump knows that 11 million undocumented, mostly Latino, immigrants cannot be easily deported. And that Mexico will not pay to build a wall. Further, he understands that the GOP will not close government to force funding to build that wall. 

Donald Trump is aware that a modern-day Operation Wetback (tried in the 1950s) would cost a tremendous amount of money, paid for by taxpayers (via taxes and tariffs). And deportations would mean ripping families apart, which is unpopular and also cruel. Finally, he knows that if a drastic deportation program were enacted, it would cause independents to run away from both him and the GOP—just like the abortion issue.

Former President Trump, who loves money, and also comprehends the business aspects.  Agriculture would take a hit with prices rising substantially for his supporters. He knows that immigrants take the hard manual labor jobs that everyday Americans do not want… like building his Trump Tower in New York City. He takes extreme positions because it riles up his frustrated, alienated MAGA base, bringing them out to the voting booth. He has no intention of seeing his current position on immigration acted upon. Because when he does, it backfires. That was shown when Trump decided to suddenly stop immigration of well-paid highly skilled people needed by high tech companies.

Here’s what Google CEO Sundar Picha says on the subject:  “Immigration has contributed immensely to America’s economic success…, making it a global leader.” 

America  needs controlled, legal immigration for our country to prosper.

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