“Governor- why destroy our public education system?”; Newnan Times-Herald; 2-15-24

Governor- why destroy our public education system?

“It (private school vouchers) busts the budget because it’s taking on as a public expense what’s previously been a private cost.” – Dr. Josh Cowen, Michigan State University education department

For many years, conservatives in the Georgia Assembly have been pushing private alternatives to public schools. The nonpartisan research group GBPI has made a compelling case that private school vouchers will destroy public school financing, especially in rural areas (https://gbpi.org/what-are-school-vouchers/ ). 

A decade ago, state government did an evaluation of private Charter Schools versus public schools in 16 academic areas (https://scsc.georgia.gov/sites/scsc.georgia.gov/files/related_files/site_page/GOSA_SCSC_Report_02-25-2014.pdf  ). In 6 academic areas, there was no difference. In 4, public schools scored better than Charters (Elementary Math, Middle School Math, Middle School Science and U.S. History). In only 2 areas did Charter schools score better than public schools (9th Grade Literature and Composition). 

Private Charter Schools actually did worse overall than their public counterparts. So, why does our Governor and some ideologically driven Georgia GOP legislators continue to push to destroy our public school system via vouchers?

Last year, encouraged by Kemp, the Georgia GOP proposed a voucher bill giving $6,500 to students who attend a private school. It died 85-89 in the Georgia House because 16 courageous GOP legislators opposed it (https://apnews.com/article/georgia-school-choice-vouchers-educational-savings-accounts-7961f3ea462cf33caa45937c514df53c ). But, this issue will not go away due to national pressure by the Republican Party and some ideologically driven state leaders- like our Governor.

Governor Kemp, a strong voucher advocate, stated last year- “We’re going to continue to remain vigilant and be strong supporters of choice in education”. Odd for someone who is 100% against choice regarding a woman’s reproductive rights. 

He reiterated the same this year, saying he was a free market advocate and -“When it comes to education, the same principles hold true.” So, we will see anti-public school legislation proposed yet again in this session of the General Assembly (https://www.11alive.com/article/news/politics/georgia-school-vouchers-2024/85-3d4d7e10-1fe7-48e4-90cc-7f07da8a7912 ).

Kemp and the rest of the Georgia GOP leaders need to stop being so ideological, pushing for money to be taken from public schools. They must listen to their constituents, 53% of  whom say the problem is that public schools are currently underfunded (https://www.surveyusa.com/client/PollReport.aspx?g=93863105-fa8b-42d4-adce-d1f90741fb52 ). Only 7% think they are overfunded. Further, only a third of voters want an easier process for creation of Charter Schools. 

Plus, only 43% of all Georgians are in favor of the creation of a voucher program. Less than a majority (44%) GOP voters want it. If they knew the consequences of a voucher program on public education financing, I am convinced that the support level would be much, much less.

Our Governor must take off his ideological hat and put on his pragmatic one. There is no benefit at all to destroying our public school system just because you believe in a free market, Governor. Your constituents clearly do not support that course of action any more than they would want to privatize our local police force and national military. 

If you want to help, do what the voters want- increase state funding going to our public schools. That is what the surplus should go towards, rather than your politically motivated tax refunds.

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